BTRFS snapshots and system rollbacks on Arch Linux

Last edited on 2022-08-21 Tagged under  #btrfs   #arch   #linux 

Set up automatic snapshots of a BTRFS root subvolume, add these snapshots to the GRUB boot menu, and gain the ability to rollback an Arch Linux system to an earlier state.

Let's go!

See "A(rch) to Z(ram)" for my step-by-step install of Arch, where I created:

  • @ subvolume, mounted to /. Create snapshots of this root subvolume.
  • @snapshots and other subvolumes, which are excluded from root snapshots.

1. Install Snapper and snap-pac

Snapper is a tool for managing BTRFS snapshots. It can create and restore snapshots, and provides scheduled auto-snapping. Snap-pac provides a Pacman hook that uses Snapper to create pre- and post- BTRFS snapshots triggered by use of the package manager.

Install ...

$ sudo pacman -S snapper snap-pac

2. Create snapshot configuration for root subvolume

Snapper's create-config command assumes:

  • Subvolume @ already exists and is mounted at /.
  • /.snapshots directory is not mounted and doesn't exist.

During my Arch install, I created the @ and @snapshots subvolumes, and /.snapshots mountpoint. Before letting Snapper do its config thing, I need to move my earlier snapshot setup out of the way.

Unmount the subvolume and remove the mountpoint ...

$ sudo umount /.snapshots
$ sudo rm -rf /.snapshots

Create a new root config ...

$ sudo snapper -c root create-config /

This generates:

  • Configuration file at /etc/snapper/configs/root.
  • Add root to SNAPPER_CONFIGS in /etc/conf.d/snapper.
  • Subvolume .snapshots where future snapshots for this configuration will be stored.

3. Setup /.snapshots

List subvolumes ...

$ sudo btrfs subvolume list /
ID 256 gen 199 top level 5 path @
ID 257 gen 186 top level 5 path @home
ID 258 gen 9 top level 5 path @snapshots
ID 265 gen 199 top level 256 path .snapshots

Note the @snapshots subvolume I had created earlier, and the .snapshots created by Snapper.

I prefer my @snapshots setup over .snapshots, so I delete the Snapper-generated subvolume ...

$ sudo btrfs subvolume delete .snapshots
Delete subvolume (no-commit): '//.snapshots'

Re-create and re-mount /.snapshots mountpoint ...

$ sudo mkdir /.snapshots
$ sudo mount -a

This setup will make all snapshots created by Snapper be stored outside of the @ subvolume. This allows replacing @ without losing the snapshots.

Set permissions. Owner must be root, and I allow members of wheel to browse through snapshots ...

$ sudo chmod 750 /.snapshots
$ sudo chown :wheel /.snapshots

4. Manual snapshot

Example of taking a manual snapshot of a fresh install ...

$ sudo snapper -c root create -d "**Base system install**"

5. Automatic timeline snapshots

Setup timed auto-snapshots by modifying /etc/snapper/configs/root.

Allow user (example: foo) to work with snapshots ...


Example: Set some timed snapshot limits ...


Start and enable snapper-timeline.timer to launch the automatic snapshot timeline, and snapper-cleanup.timer to periodically clean up older snapshots...

$ sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-timeline.timer
$ sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-cleanup.timer

6. Pacman snapshots

Pacman pre- and post- snapshots are triggered before and after a significant change (such as a system update).

Example: I install tree, which triggers a pre and post install snapshot.

List configs ...

$ snapper list-configs
Config | Subvolume
root   | /

List snapshots taken for root ...

$ snapper -c root list
 # | Type   | Pre # | Date                        | User | Cleanup  | Description             | Userdata
0  | single |       |                             | root |          | current                 |         
1  | single |       | Sat 20 Aug 2022 11:21:53 AM | root |          | **Base system install** |         
2  | pre    |       | Sat 20 Aug 2022 11:22:39 AM | root | number   | pacman -S tree          |         
3  | post   |     2 | Sat 20 Aug 2022 11:22:39 AM | root | number   | tree                    |
4  | single |       | Sat 20 Aug 2022 12:00:04 PM | root | timeline | timeline                |

List updated subvolumes list, which now includes the snapshots ...

$ sudo btrfs subvolume list /
ID 256 gen 270 top level 5 path @
ID 257 gen 270 top level 5 path @home
ID 258 gen 257 top level 5 path @snapshots
ID 266 gen 216 top level 258 path @snapshots/1/snapshot
ID 267 gen 218 top level 258 path @snapshots/2/snapshot
ID 268 gen 219 top level 258 path @snapshots/3/snapshot
ID 269 gen 237 top level 258 path @snapshots/4/snapshot

7. Updatedb

If locate is installed, skip indexing .snapshots directory by adding to /etc/updatedb.conf ...

PRUNENAMES = ".snapshots"

8. Grub-btrfs

Include the snapshots as boot options in the GRUB boot loader menu.

Install ...

$ sudo pacman -S grub-btrfs

Set the location of the directory containing the grub.cfg file in /etc/default/grub-btrfs/config.

Example: My grub.cfg is located in /efi/grub ...


9. Auto-update GRUB

Enable grub-btrfs.path to auto-regenerate grub-btrfs.cfg whenever a modification appears in /.snapshots ...

$ sudo systemctl enable --now grub-btrfs.path

At the next boot, there is an submenu in GRUB for Arch Linux snapshots.

10. Read-only snapshots and overlayfs

Booting on a snapshot is done in read-only mode.

This can be tricky:

An elegant way is to boot this snapshot using overlayfs ... Using overlayfs, the booted snapshot will behave like a live-cd in non-persistent mode. The snapshot will not be modified, the system will be able to boot correctly, because a writeable folder will be included in the RAM ... Any changes in this system thus started will be lost when the system is rebooted/shutdown.

Add the hook grub-btrfs-overlayfs at the end of HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf ...

HOOKS=(base ... fsck grub-btrfs-overlayfs)

Re-generate initramfs ...

$ sudo mkinitcpio -P

Note: Any snapshots that do not include this modified initramfs will not be able to use overlayfs.

11. System rollback the 'Arch Way'

Snapper includes a rollback tool, but on Arch systems the preferred method is a manual rollback.

After booting into a snapshot mounted rw courtesy of overlayfs, mount the toplevel subvolume (subvolid=5). That is, omit any subvolid or subvol mount flags (example: an encrypted device map labelled cryptdev) ...

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/cryptdev /mnt

Move the broken @ subvolume out of the way ...

$ sudo mv /mnt/@ /mnt/@.broken

Or simply delete the subvolume ...

$ sudo btrfs subvolume delete /mnt/@

Find the number of the snapshot that you want to recover ...

$ sudo grep -r '<date>' /mnt/@snapshots/*/info.xml
/.snapshots/8/info.xml:  <date>2022-08-20 15:21:53</date>
/.snapshots/9/info.xml:  <date>2022-08-20 15:22:39</date>

Create a read-write snapshot of the read-only snapshot taken by Snapper ...

$ sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot /mnt/@snapshots/number/snapshot /mnt/@

Where number is the snapshot you wish to restore as the new @.

Unmount /mnt.

Reboot and rollback!

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