Install Chimera Linux with encrypted Root-on-ZFS

Last edited on 2024-09-22 Tagged under  #chimera   #linux   #zfs   #encrypt   #zfsbootmenu 

Chimera Linux logo

I use the Chimera Linux live install image to create an encrypted, console-only base configuration using the OpenZFS file system that can be customized further for various tasks.

This is how I do it...

1. Let's go!

1.1 Setup

  • Target device is x86_64 architecture
  • UEFI boot with ZFSBootMenu as bootloader
  • Chimera is the sole OS on a single disk (example: sda)
  • Root ZFS file system with native encryption
  • GPT partition table with 3 partitions:
    • sda1 = Size: 1GB; Format: vfat; Use as: EFI boot partition
    • sda2 = Size: <equal to RAM on target device>; Format: swap; Use as: encrypted swap
    • sda3 = Size: ->END; Format: zfs; Use as: encrypted ZFS pool

1.2 Download

The latest live ISO install images are available here:

Download chimera-linux-x86_64-LIVE-<version>-base.iso and sha256sums.txt.

On a Linux-based system, verify the image:

$ sha256sum -c --ignore-missing sha256sums.txt

1.3 Prepare install media

Method 1: Ventoy

I now use Ventoy to setup a USB device to be a multiboot installer. Simply copy an iso to the device, reboot, and the auto-generated menu lists all the disk images available to boot. Read more

Method 2: dd

Write the installer to an unmounted USB storage device using the dd command as root.


Example: On a Linux system, if a USB stick appears as sdx1, then write the installer to sdx (no partition number):

$ sudo dd if=/path/to/chimera-linux-x86_64-LIVE-<version>-base.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
$ sync

2. Configure live environment

2.1 Boot

Boot from the USB install media. Login and password is root:chimera.

Confirm EFI support:

# dmesg | grep -i efivars
[    0.301784] Registered efivars operations

2.2 Network

By default, wired (ethernet) interfaces are configured for auto-detection and use DHCP.

Display all detected network interfaces along with their IP and MAC addresses:

# ip addr

2.3 (Optional) Remote login to installer

I make this manual install process easier (cut-n-paste commands; lookup info online) by remotely logging into the installer via SSH from another computer.

Start the SSH server:

# dinitctl start sshd

Switch to the other computer and SSH into the target device as user and password anon:chimera:

$ ssh anon@<target_device_ip_address>

Switch to root:

$ doas -s

2.4 Install extra packages

# apk update && apk add --no-interactive gptfdisk parted

2.5 Source os-release

File /etc/os-release defines variables that describe the current operating system. Use the $ID variable to set the short name of the distribution in later commands:

# . /etc/os-release
# export ID

2.6 Generate hostid

Note: This value must be unique among your systems. Chimera by default will output a value of 00000000, therefore a custom value must be supplied to zgenhostid.

Use zgenhostid(8) to create /etc/hostid and store the host ID in it.

Record a custom hostid and overwrite the file if it exists:

# zgenhostid -f "0x$( date +%s | cut -c1-8 )"

3. Prepare DISK

3.1 Define DISK variables

Identify the disk where Chimera will be installed by listing block devices:

# lsblk -f

Set DISK variables for either a SATA or NVMe device:

SATA (example: sda)

# export DISK="/dev/sda"
# export BOOT_PART="1"
# export SWAP_PART="2"
# export POOL_PART="3"

NVMe (example: nvme0n1)

# export DISK="/dev/nvme0n1"
# export BOOT_PART="1"
# export SWAP_PART="2"
# export POOL_PART="3"

3.2 Wipe DISK

Before creating the new partition layout, wipe the DISK:

# wipefs -a $DISK
# sgdisk --zap-all --clear $DISK
# partprobe $DISK && sgdisk -p $DISK

3.3 Partition DISK

List partition type codes:

# sgdisk --list-types

Create EFI boot partition:

# sgdisk -n "${BOOT_PART}:1m:+1g" -t "${BOOT_PART}:ef00" -c 0:esp $DISK

Create swap partition (example size: 16GB):

# sgdisk -n "${SWAP_PART}:0:+16g" -t "${SWAP_PART}:8200" -c 0:swap $DISK

Create zpool partition:

# sgdisk -n "${POOL_PART}:0:-10m" -t "${POOL_PART}:bf00" -c 0:pool $DISK

Display layout:

# partprobe $DISK && sgdisk -p $DISK

4. ZFS pool creation

4.1 Keyfile

Store pool passphrase in a keyfile:

# echo 'SomeKeyphrase' > /etc/zfs/zroot.key
# chmod 000 /etc/zfs/zroot.key

4.2 Define POOL_ID variable

When adding disks or partitions to ZFS pools, its important to use their symbolic links created in (on BIOS systems) /dev/disk/by-id or (available on UEFI systems) /dev/disk/by-partuuid. This will ensure that ZFS identifies the correct device even if disk naming should change at some point. Using traditional device nodes like /dev/sda3 may cause import failures.

I create variable POOL_ID to hold the PARTUUID of $POOL_DEVICE on my UEFI system:

# export POOL_ID=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$( lsblk -o PATH,PARTUUID | grep $POOL_DEVICE | awk '{ print $NF }' )

4.3 Create pool

Create the encrypted ZFS pool with zpool-create(8):

# zpool create -f -m none \
  -o ashift=12 \
  -o autotrim=on \
  -o compatibility=openzfs-2.2-linux \
  -o feature@lz4_compress=enabled \
  -O acltype=posix \
  -O xattr=sa \
  -O compression=lz4 \
  -O encryption=aes-256-gcm \
  -O keyformat=passphrase \
  -O keylocation=file:///etc/zfs/zroot.key \
  -O relatime=on zroot $POOL_ID

Note: From the ZFSBootMenu Guide:

The option "-o compatibility=openzfs-x.x-linux" is a conservative choice. It can be omitted or otherwise adjusted to match your specific system needs... Future releases of ZFSBootMenu may therefore support newer feature sets.

4.4 Create file systems

# zfs create -o mountpoint=none zroot/ROOT
# zfs create -o mountpoint=/ -o canmount=noauto zroot/ROOT/${ID}
# zfs create -o mountpoint=/home zroot/home
# zpool set bootfs=zroot/ROOT/${ID} zroot

4.5 Export and re-import the pool

# zpool export zroot
# zpool import -N -R /mnt zroot
# zfs load-key -L prompt zroot

4.6 Temporary mount points

# zfs mount zroot/ROOT/${ID}
# zfs mount zroot/home


# mount -t zfs
zroot/ROOT/chimera on /mnt type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr,posixacl,casesensitive)
zroot/home on /mnt/home type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr,posixacl,casesensitive)

Update device symlinks:

# udevadm trigger

5. Install Chimera

5.1 Bootstrap

# chimera-bootstrap /mnt

Copy files into the new install:

# cp /etc/hostid /mnt/etc/
# mkdir /mnt/etc/zfs
# cp /etc/zfs/zroot.key /mnt/etc/zfs/

5.2 Chroot into the new OS

# chimera-chroot /mnt

5.3 Set root password

# passwd

5.4 Update system

# apk add --no-interactive chimera-repo-contrib
# apk update
# apk upgrade --available

5.5 Install kernel and extra packages

# apk add --no-interactive linux-lts linux-lts-zfs-bin cryptsetup cryptsetup-scripts curl efibootmgr font-terminus

6. ZFS configuration

6.1 Configure initramfs-tools

# echo "UMASK=0077" > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/umask.conf

Since the encryption key is stored in the /etc/zfs directory, it will automatically be copied into the initramfs.

Rebuild initramfs:

# update-initramfs -u -k all

6.2 Prepare EFI partition

Create a vfat filesystem on BOOT_DEVICE:

# mkfs.vfat -F32 $BOOT_DEVICE

Create an fstab entry for BOOT_DEVICE and mount:

# echo "PARTLABEL=esp   /boot/efi   vfat    defaults    0 0" >> /etc/fstab
# mkdir -p /boot/efi
# mount /boot/efi

6.3 Set ZFSBootMenu properties on datasets

Assign command-line arguments to be used when booting the kernel:

# zfs set org.zfsbootmenu:commandline="quiet" zroot/ROOT

Configure key caching in ZFSBootMenu:

# zfs set org.zfsbootmenu:keysource="zroot/ROOT/${ID}" zroot

6.4 Install ZFSBootMenu

Install a prebuilt ZFSBootMenu executable to the EFI system partition:

# mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/ZBM
# curl -o /boot/efi/EFI/ZBM/VMLINUZ.EFI -L

6.5 Configure EFI boot entries

# efibootmgr -c -d "$DISK" -p "$BOOT_PART" -L "ZFSBootMenu (Backup)" -l '\EFI\ZBM\VMLINUZ-BACKUP.EFI'
# efibootmgr -c -d "$DISK" -p "$BOOT_PART" -L "ZFSBootMenu" -l '\EFI\ZBM\VMLINUZ.EFI'

7. Chimera configuration

7.1 Create user

Example user foo:

# useradd -m -G wheel foo
# passwd foo

7.2 Set hostname

Example name mychimera:

# echo mychimera > /etc/hostname

7.3 Set timezone

Example timezone Canada/Eastern:

# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern /etc/localtime

7.4 Console setup

Chimera uses the same console-setup(5) system as Debian.

Example: Use TerminusBold as the console font and increase font size by modifying /etc/default/console-setup:




Activate the new settings in the current session by running setupcon.

7.5 Keyboard

Default keyboard is US Qwerty. See keyboard(5) for options.

Example: I like to use the Colemak keymap, which is available in /usr/share/keymaps/i386/colemak.

To temporarily change the keymap to colemak:

# loadkeys colemak/en-latin9

To set colemak as the system default, modify /etc/default/keyboard with:



7.6 System logging

Default logging system on Chimera is syslog-ng.

Enable the service:

# dinitctl -o enable syslog-ng

Logs are written to /var/log/messages.

7.7 Networking

You can configure wired networks statically or dynamically with dhcpcd.

Enable the service:

# dinitctl -o enable dhcpcd

Default activity is for dhcpcd to configure all interfaces with DHCP. Changes are made in /etc/dhcpcd.conf. See dhcpcd.conf(5) for more details.

7.8 SSHD

Enable the service to allow remote logins:

# dinitctl -o enable sshd

7.9 Configure encrypted swap

Create /etc/crypttab:

# echo "swap PARTLABEL=swap /dev/urandom swap,offset=2048,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=512" > /etc/crypttab

This will map /dev/disk/by-partlabel/swap to /dev/mapper/swap as a swap partition that can be added in fstab like a normal swap.

Add swap entry to /etc/fstab:

# echo "/dev/mapper/swap    none    swap    defaults    0 0" >> /etc/fstab

8. Finish up

8.1 Exit the chroot

# exit
# umount -l -n -R /mnt

8.2 Export the zpool and reboot

# zpool export zroot
# reboot

8.3 First boot

User is prompted for the passphrase to unlock the encrypted zpool. Upon success, boot resumes...


Welcome to Chimera!

9. Resources

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