Keep LMDE updated and tidy

Last edited on 2023-05-20 Tagged under  #lmde   #debian   #linux   #bash   #programming 

I have started using LMDE as my daily-use desktop OS. Part of good system hygiene is keeping the system regularly updated.

This is how I do it ...

1. Update and upgrade

Sync package repositories and list packages with pending upgrades ...

$ sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable

Perform a full system upgrade ...

$ sudo apt full-upgrade

2. Tidy up

Remove packages that can no longer be downloaded from the package repositories ...

$ sudo apt-get autoclean

Remove packages automatically installed as dependencies and not currently dependencies of any installed package ...

$ sudo apt autoremove

3. Make a list

Generate a list of installed packages ...

$ dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W > deb_package_list.txt

If I ever need to re-install LMDE, or install these packages on another computer running LMDE, simply run ...

$ sudo xargs -a deb_package_list.txt apt install

4. Script

Above commands are saved to my aaa bash script. I run the script once or twice a week to keep things humming ...

$ aaa

Sources: aaa and (provide ascii colour codes for scripts)

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